E SCAPE (An Animated Campaign Against Bullying)
Bullying? No, Thank you.
(eTwinning Project)
Information about the project
The schools involved want to define bullying, discover every aspect of it and propose ways of preventing or dealing with it using the English language, script writing, acting and ICT.
The students are going to work in groups, cooperate, use the English language, videos and computer technology to exchange views on bullying, a worldwide phenomenon that affects a great number of children in their school life.
Working plan
Working plan
After presenting ourselves through profiles we can deal with the following:
- Let’s define Bullying
- Types of bullying
- Effects of bullying
- What can you do if you are bullied?
- What can you do if others are bullied
- How to help preventing Bullying at school
Students can make logos and vote for it.
Each school can make a questionnaire and the other school students will answer it
In the end each school can write a relevant script having two possible endings (a bad and a good ending) that will be acted by the other school students and be presented either on video or be made into a comic strip through a suitable web 02 tool.
Expected results
TwinSpace will be fully used. The students will improve the English language using it in a meaningful way. They will exchange views on this phenomenon and collaborate with their partner students on dealing with it. Their ideas and result products will be presented to their schoolmates and be uploaded to their school website.